My new addiction - Limonata
As addictions go, this is a good one I think. On a recent trip to Slovenia, I was introduced to limonata, quite simply the juice of a lemon (and some of the flesh, minus the pips) mixed with water and ice. Some people choose to add sugar to soften the bite, but I like it tangy and love that it's super healthy AND delicious.
It's perfect for a sunny day, in fact I'm drinking the one in the picture right now. Try it out - it's seriously nice, flushes out toxins and is packed full of vitamin C. Another fact that I didn't know until a couple of years ago is that, although lemon is acidic outside of the body, the nutrients in the fruit turn it alkaline when inside the body. This is good news as it helps to neutralise the overall body ph balance which boosts your immune system.
Image from